Testseek.nl hebben 40 deskundige overzichten van The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds verzameld en de gemiddelde classificatie is 92%. Scrol en zie neer alle overzichten voor The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds.
December 2013
40 Reviews
Gemiddelde score van experts die dit product hebben beoordeeld.
0 Reviews
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De redactie beviel
Huren en kopen van voorwerpen brengt nieuw soort spanning
Gepubliceerd: 2013-11-14, Auteur: Jacob , beoordeeld door: bgr.com
Samenvatting: The top-down Zelda games started as console releases on the NES and SNES, but as 3D graphics took precedence, the flatter rendition of Hyrule was relegated to the portable platforms. Some have been better than others (here's to you, Minish Cap), but virtu...
Was deze beoordeling nuttig?
Gepubliceerd: 2013-11-14, Auteur: Ramon , beoordeeld door: gotgame.com
Samenvatting: I've waited a long time to play a Legend of Zelda game that made me so giddy that I couldn't stop playing. Now, that's not to say I didn't enjoy The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, nor the previous DS titles, but I could do without playing for days on end...
Samenvatting: Thanks to modern 3D graphics, it's been a while since we've seen a traditional top-down Zelda game. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds on the 3DS has given Nintendo the opportunity to resurrect that perspective while giving us some modern twists...
Gepubliceerd: 2013-12-06, Auteur: Alex , beoordeeld door: fatducktech.com
Do you really have to ask?Look, if you have a 3DS/XL/2DS, buy The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds.If you don't, and you like videogames, start saving for a 3DS now. My only regret is not ordering the special edition so I could get that funky chest...
Was deze beoordeling nuttig?
Gepubliceerd: 2013-12-06, Auteur: Andrew , beoordeeld door: techgeek.com.au
Amazing story, 3D graphics and music; Shadow Link battles through StreetPass; greater freedom to explore the world
Renting weapons can be irritating sometimes; short initial dungeons
A great reinvention of the long-running Legend of Zelda seriesNintendo has really outdone themselves with “A Link Between Worlds” and the unique gameplay mechanics reinvigorates a series that is 27 years old and make it feel new again. The graphics are be...
A Link Between Worlds blends nostalgic familiarity with newfangled fantasy, introducing innovation with sacrificng any of what made its forebear great. It's an incredible adventure for fans old and new.The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds was review...
Samenvatting: I expected The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds to submerge me in comfortable familiarity, but what I didn't expect is that it would be my favourite Zelda since Wind Waker, or that it would present me with some of the most inventive, cerebral puzzle...
Gepubliceerd: 2019-06-16, Auteur: Oliver , beoordeeld door: mobiflip.de
Samenvatting: Bei den Meldungen rund um Zelda habe ich vor ein paar Tagen wieder den Nintendo 3DS ausgepackt und Zelda: A Link Between Worlds angeworfen.Vielleicht hat es der ein oder andere von euch diese Woche gemerkt: Ich bin ein großer Fan der Zelda-Reihe. Nach Bre...