Testseek.nl hebben 6 deskundige overzichten van Vanguard Auctus Plus 323CT Tripod verzameld en de gemiddelde classificatie is 80%. Scrol en zie neer alle overzichten voor Vanguard Auctus Plus 323CT Tripod.
6 Reviews
Gemiddelde score van experts die dit product hebben beoordeeld.
Samenvatting: The tripod The Vanguard Auctus Plus 323CT is the first large carbon fibre tripod the company has released. And weighing in at 3.55kg, it is also pretty heavy. The first and most noticeable feature is the geared centre column. This allows for the raising o...
Samenvatting: If you read my review of the Vanguard GH-100 pistol grip ball head published a few months ago, you may remember that I was not planning on taking it off my tripod unless I upgraded my tripod to a Vanguard. Well, I am happy to announce that it is now s...
Samenvatting: The Vanguard Auctus Plus 323CT is a serious carbon fiber tripod for serious shooters. It’s a heavy duty tripod that’s built to hold plenty of gear and keep it stable.Vanguard Auctus Plus 323CT Key Specs39.7lb Load Capacity 70.9-inch Max Height 28-inch...
Samenvatting: Members of TIPA were struck by the versatility of the Vanguard Auctus Plus tripod, which makes it equally suitable for both studio and outdoor use. It incorporates a dual-function wheel gear that adjusts central column height securely while supporting...
Samenvatting: La société Vanguard a été fondée en 1986. Elle a une solide réputation dans le monde de la photo et de l’outdoor, grâce, entre autres, à la compréhension des exigences de ce marché. Des milliers de photographes, de chasseurs et d’enthousiastes de la na...
Samenvatting: Toto opravdu není nářadí pro denní nošení, stejně jako jej nevyužijí majitelé kompaktů. Komu je vlastně určený stativ, u kterého většině lidí nebude stačit stoupnout si na špičky, ale budou pro práci s fotoaparátem potřebovat přenosné schůdky?Odhlédneme-l...