
Home » Computers » Harde Schijven » SATA » Seagate 3.5 inch FireCuda SSHD SATA600 ST-DX Series

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Reviews of Seagate 3.5 inch FireCuda SSHD SATA600 ST-DX Series hebben 23 deskundige overzichten van Seagate 3.5 inch FireCuda SSHD SATA600 ST-DX Series verzameld en de gemiddelde classificatie is 76%. Scrol en zie neer alle overzichten voor Seagate 3.5 inch FireCuda SSHD SATA600 ST-DX Series.
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  Gepubliceerd: 2017-12-05, Auteur: Thomas , beoordeeld door:

  • Samenvatting:  The Firecuda 2TB is a classic example of cutting-edge tech opening up new options, potentially to be pushed further with time. Simply put, a 2TB laptop-size hybrid is possible thanks to a new technology, called shingled magnetic recording, or SMR for. Thi...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2019-08-08, Auteur: Mark , beoordeeld door:

  • The Vulcan 500GB SSD is of a magnitude faster than any mechanical hard drive or SSHD in almost every way, At 7nm, the Vulcan SSD is thin and light and fits easily in most notebooks and desktops for a simple drop-in upgrade, 3-year warranty backed by Team
  • None, This has been quite an enjoyable exploration comparing our other three drives with the T-FORCE Vulcan 500GB SSD.  The performance of this drive is very good as a stand-alone SATA-based SSD, eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'babeltechreviews_com-medrecta
  • We are giving the $59 T-FORCE Vulcan 500GB BTR's “Recommended” Award as it is significantly faster than any HDD or SSHD, and it is faster overall than the slightly cheaper ($58) Team Group L5 3D 480GB SSD.  For gamers, the T-FORCE Vulcan 500GB SSD compete...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2017-02-23, Auteur: Mark , beoordeeld door:

  • The SSHD is faster than a mechanical HDD for loading regularly used applications and games. Using our Seagate FireCuda Gaming SSHD, Windows startup is faster and shutdown is noticeably quicker than using the 2TB Toshiba HDD, The FireCuda 2TB SSHD is decen
  • Price. It costs about 30% or $30 more for the 2TB FireCuda SSHD than it does for a 2TB Toshiba HDD, This has been quite an enjoyable exploration using Seagate's 2TB FireCuda SSHD. Based on our experience, SSHD caching is highly recommended for gamers as s
  • With a 2TB high-capacity mechanical drive coupled with 8GB of flash memory functioning as a cache, gamers will no longer have to install new games and then uninstall them after playing them to make room for even newer games as they have to do with low cap...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2017-01-18, Auteur: Bennett , beoordeeld door:

  • "It'll be fine if you just want to run Windows and Word, or your most-used app, but load it up with much else and you'll start seeing some very strange results indeed."...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2016-12-05, Auteur: Daniel , beoordeeld door:

  • Hohe Speicherkapazität, Geringe Geräuschentwicklung, Sehr gute Preis, Gutes PreisLeistungsverhältnis
  • Nicht für dünne Notebooks geeignet
  • EmpfehlungWem die reine Performance einer HDD nicht genügt, jedoch nicht auf Speicherplatz verzichten möchte und dabei auch kein Loch in seine Geldreserven reißen möchte, für den ist die Seagate FireCuda SSHD der richtige Kompromiss.Eine recht leise ar...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2017-04-20, Auteur: Joyride , beoordeeld door:

  • Lite vibrationer, Mjukvarorna, 5 års garanti
  • Varierande prestanda
  • Det krävs lite för mycket återupprepande för att de flesta skall få ut den högre prestandan. Skulle bara ett fåtal program användas har jag tyvärr svårt att se fördelen gentemot en mindre SSD-enhet, vilken ger betydligt bättre prestanda.Jag ger dock Seaga...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2016-10-18, beoordeeld door:

  • Samenvatting:  Vare sig du sitter på en massiv filmsamling eller bara är extra pedant med sin säkerhetskopiering är hårddisken kungen av masslagring. Vi har lagt totalt nio modeller på upp till 10 TB på sträckbänken i testlabbet!Idag klarar sig de flesta med en SSD på 2...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2017-06-02, Auteur: Sebastian , beoordeeld door:

  • 5-letnia gwarancja producenta, Cena niewiele wyższa od zwykłych HDD, 8 GB pamięci NAND flash typu MLC, Szybsze wczytywanie systemu i gier, 5-letnia gwarancja producenta, Przyzwoita wydajność sekcji HDD, 8 GB pamięci NAND flash typu MLC, Szybsze wczytywani
  • Wydajność sekcji HDD nie zachwyca, Buforowania rzadko daje wymierne korzyści, Cena sporo wyższa od zwykłych HDD, Buforowania rzadko daje wymierne korzyści,
  • Seagate FireCuda Compute to całkiem ciekawe rozwiązanie pod względem technologicznym, mające jeszcze szerokie perspektywy rozwojowe dzięki zwiększaniu bufora SSD oraz usprawnianiu algorytmów analizujących dane najczęściej wykorzystywane przez użytkownika...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2017-03-24, Auteur: Ecevit , beoordeeld door:

  • Samenvatting:  Sahip olduğumuz dijital içeriğin boyutu her geçen gün biraz daha artıyor. Telefonumuzda, bilgisayarımızda, fotoğraf makinemizde kullanılan toplam depolama alanına bakarak bu artışı hissetmek mümkün. Seagate Firecuda ailesi ile bu ihtiyaca bir çzüm getiriy...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2017-02-20, Auteur: Тодор , beoordeeld door:

  • FireCuda 2 TB SSHD продължава традицията при Seagate не само да предлагат интересни “дискови устройства” на IT пазара, но и да са постоянни с налагането на SSHD като доста любопитна алтернатива на конвенционалните твърди дискове. В случая целта е не точно...

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