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Reviews of Avexir 3.5 inch S100 Series SSD SATA600 hebben 10 deskundige overzichten van Avexir 3.5 inch S100 Series SSD SATA600 verzameld en de gemiddelde classificatie is 0%. Scrol en zie neer alle overzichten voor Avexir 3.5 inch S100 Series SSD SATA600.
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  Gepubliceerd: 2016-08-26, Auteur: Chris , beoordeeld door:

  • Faster than a hard disk drive, Interesting lighting, Nice accessory kit, Nice build quality
  • Low performance in most workloads, High price for this level of performance, No 1TB capacity option
  • Avexir put great effort into making the S100 SSD look good, but the company doesn't have a lot of experience with SSDs. The S100 could have been so much more. Instead, it became the kind of product you want to discontinue and remove from the website entir...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2018-04-02, Auteur: Bình , beoordeeld door:

  • Samenvatting:  Finally, AVEXIR has given us a reason to put our SSDs on display. The S100 is the world's first family of solid-state drives to leave the factory with built-in LED lighting. This should come as no great surprise for any enthusiast who's either used the co...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2016-08-26, Auteur: Chris , beoordeeld door:

  • Faster than a hard disk drive, Interesting lighting, Nice accessory kit, Nice build quality
  • Low performance in most workloads, High price for this level of performance, No 1TB capacity option
  • Avexir put great effort into making the S100 SSD look good, but the company doesn't have a lot of experience with SSDs. The S100 could have been so much more. Instead, it became the kind of product you want to discontinue and remove from the website e...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2016-04-06, beoordeeld door:

  • Samenvatting:  Let's be real: Solid-state drives aren't exactly known for their stunning visual flair. Best-case scenario, the SSD you buy has a decent enough aluminum housing and a product sticker that looks like it was designed in Photoshop rather than MS Paint. After...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2016-11-03, beoordeeld door:

  • Быстрее жёсткого диска, Интересная подсветка, Хорошая комплектация, Хорошее качество сборки
  • Низкая производительность в большинстве режимов, Высокая цена за такой уровень производительности, Нет модификации ёмкостью 1 ТБ
  • В Avexir приложили массу усилий для того, чтобы Avexir S100 LED 240 GB выглядел красиво, но у этой компании мало опыта в производстве SSD-накопителей. В другой ситуации S100 мог бы стать чем-то намного большим. Вместо этого, он превратился в такой тип про...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2016-05-13, Auteur: nApoleon , beoordeeld door:

  • 尽管大量侧透机箱和灯效横行的今天,外存储部件的视觉效果却始终是一个盲点,于是本就擅长玩灯的Avexir抓住这一机会好好表现了一把。毫无疑问Avexir S100又是一款以独特的附加功能见长的SSD,至于性能和容量选择面上则很自然地只能保持在同时代中的主流级水平:够用即可。Avexir S100 240GB 官网链接:...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2016-08-15, Auteur: vostro , beoordeeld door:

  • Samenvatting:  ↓先來說一下發光這件事↓ 單色發光、多彩RGB、GAMING電、零組件發光的話題,已經是目前DIY零組件的大趨勢 不能說全部,但很明確的也無法否認所有的品牌跟廠商 都盡量這一個領域投放很多資源開發新產品 發光這件事,有人喜歡也會有人不喜歡,但是只要有需求就有供應 也就是發光就是有人買單有需求,才會有陸續大量的產品出現 從主機板、記憶體、顯示卡、一直到機殼電源 發光的產品都已經陸陸續續持續問世 而SSD產品在S100之前並沒有發光類型的SSD 從2015去年AVEXIR首次透過專...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2016-08-14, beoordeeld door:

  • Samenvatting:  這次為大家帶來由台灣廠商宇帷國際所出品的特殊PC酷品發光 SSD – AVEXIR S100開箱評測,這幾年來傳統硬碟早已經被 SSD 所取代,唯一的用途幾乎就是「大量儲存裝置」,而負責開機的重任幾乎都是交給讀寫速度高於傳統硬碟十倍以上的 SSD 負責。但 SSD 幾乎講得出名字的品牌都有生產,大家選用的記憶體顆粒、Controler 方案翻來覆去也是那幾個,要如何在市場上殺出一條血路、突顯出產品的差異性是所有 PC 硬體廠的課題。而「宇帷國際」(AVEXIR)似乎想到了與眾不同的道路,除了讓 SSD 擁...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2016-06-23, beoordeeld door:

  • Samenvatting:  튜닝용 메모리 하면 아벡시아가 가장 먼저 떠오르는데요. 튜닝용 SSD 는 아직 제대로 된 제품이 없었습니다만 얼마 전 국내에서는 아벡시아 유통사인 (주)이노베이션 티뮤를 통하여 아벡시아 튜닝용 SSD 인 S100 시리즈가 출시되었습니다. 본 리뷰에서는 아벡시아 SSD S100 240GB 를 소개하도록 하겠습니다.리뷰 내용은 패키징과 외형 그리고 간략한 성능 테스트와 작동 모습을 살펴 봅니다.보통 SSD 패키징 박스는 정사각형의 작은 박스로 된 것들이...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2016-05-12, Auteur: 관리자 , beoordeeld door:

  • Samenvatting:  전문가 리뷰...

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