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Reviews of Logitech G700s hebben 54 deskundige overzichten van Logitech G700s verzameld en de gemiddelde classificatie is 88%. Scrol en zie neer alle overzichten voor Logitech G700s.
Award: Meest Awarded August 2013
August 2013
54 Reviews
0 Reviews
88 0 100 54

De redactie beviel

  • Geen 'cabledrag'
  • Preciese sensor
  • Ergonomisch design

De redactie beviel het niet

  • Accuduur
  • Bouwkwaliteit
  • Stugge Micro-USB kabel



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  Gepubliceerd: 2015-09-29, beoordeeld door:

  • Geen 'cabledrag', Preciese sensor, Ergonomisch design
  • Accuduur, Bouwkwaliteit, Stugge Micro-USB kabel
  • Bent u opzoek naar een goede, ergonomische en accurate muis voor uw pc/laptop? Dit zou wel eens kunnen zijn waar u naar zoekt. Bekijk de uitgebreide review voor meer informatie...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2013-09-07, Auteur: Jacob , beoordeeld door:

  • Samenvatting:  Gaming muizen met veel knoppen worden steeds meer mainstream. Ze zijn zelfs zo populair dat van eerder uitgebrachte producten nieuwe versies op de markt komen. Zo ook de Logitech G700s en Corsair M95 gaming muizen. Deze waren voorheen beide voorzien van...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2015-07-30, Auteur: William , beoordeeld door:

  • Works immediately without setup in wired or wireless modes, A bucket-load of customisable buttons, Dual-mode scroll wheel is practical and fun
  • Heavier than a wired mouse of the same size, Score, Links, Buy the Logitech G700S from Ebuyer, Official Logitech G700S product page
  • Logitech's G700S is a strong hybrid mouse that seems well designed and solidly constructed. While there are some downsides to the wireless operation, including weight and day-long battery life, many users will appreciate the flexibility you get in exchang...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2015-04-13, Auteur: James , beoordeeld door:

  • I always like it when a product surprises you; for some reason I was unsure of the Logitech G700s going into this review, due to its ergonomic shape and its wireless nature, but now the week long test period has come to a close the G700s has won me over!...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2014-11-11, beoordeeld door:

  • The Logitech G700s and Corsair M95 are very comprehensive mice, both with regard to buttons and performance. The two offer a large amount of buttons for those who enjoy playing role playing games such as Diablo III and World of Warcraft. The M95 has a t...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2013-08-06, Auteur: Jake , beoordeeld door:

  • Being a long standing Logitech peripheral user I was very excited when I learned that I would be getting this mouse in for review. After much extensive testing over various different applications and uses I found this mouse to be very good in many differe...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2013-06-30, beoordeeld door:

  • Samenvatting:  Gaming mice with lots of buttons are becoming increasingly mainstream. They're becoming so popular that even new editions are appearing of older products. For example, the Logitech G700s and Corsair M95 gaming mice. When they first came out, they both h...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2013-05-16, Auteur: Stuart , beoordeeld door:

  • For those who are familiar with the G700 the G700s will at first glance seem very similar and that is no bad thing. The original model was a lovely mouse which felt great in the hand however there were a few little niggles which stopped it from scoring as...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2016-06-17, Auteur: Donald , beoordeeld door:

  • Samenvatting:  Buying a Logitech gaming mouse has long been synonymous with an investment in quality. But with so many different devices on offer, which deserves the title of Best Logitech Gaming Mouse? In the realm of gaming mice, the company has long established itsel...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2013-07-30, Auteur: garfi3ld , beoordeeld door:

  • After taking in all of the aspects of the Logitech G700s, the question at hand is would I recommend it? Well I think the G700s is a great option for anyone who is looking for a wireless mouse that they can game with but I would even go as far to suggest ...

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