Testseek.nl hebben 3 deskundige overzichten van Clearaudio Statement verzameld en de gemiddelde classificatie is 70%. Scrol en zie neer alle overzichten voor Clearaudio Statement.
3 Reviews
Gemiddelde score van experts die dit product hebben beoordeeld.
Samenvatting: One day, hopefully before I die, the British will stop acting like it's 1951 and rationing is in full flower. In the league tables of whingeing, penny-pinching, bargain-hunting hustlers, only the Yanks (especially the newly-rich ones with dot-com wealt...
Samenvatting: First a confession. Mistaken for an esteemed member of the hi-fi press I was once offered a Clearaudio Statement turntable… at no cost to myself. That is… gratis… free! How's that for graft and corruption?Thank you for searching out Australian HI-FI Magaz...
Samenvatting: Welches Klangpotenzial in Schallplatten steckt, beweist der Clearaudio Statement. Das 1,25 Meter hohe Laufwerk wiegt über 300 Kilogramm und ist aus Mehrschichtholz, Edelstahl und Acrylglas gefertigt. Dank des magnetischen, berührungslosen Antriebs könn...