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Reviews of Casio G-Shock GPW-1000 hebben 9 deskundige overzichten van Casio G-Shock GPW-1000 verzameld en de gemiddelde classificatie is 93%. Scrol en zie neer alle overzichten voor Casio G-Shock GPW-1000.
9 Reviews
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  Gepubliceerd: 2015-12-31, Auteur: Reno , beoordeeld door:

  • Samenvatting:  Editor's Note: The following article, originally published on March 19, was AkihabaraNews' 2nd most popular of 2015. It also happens to be the world's #1 most popular article on the CASIO GPW-1000. Go ahead, Google it. We dare you! ...though we have no id...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2015-03-20, Auteur: Editor , beoordeeld door:

  • Samenvatting:  On CASIO and the Apple Watch:We just finished a big glossy watch review , and how can we talk about watches and not get into this issue, right? So...Because CASIO is smart, the Apple Watch scares them a bit.And if they're being honest, all mainstream watc...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2015-03-19, Auteur: Reno , beoordeeld door:

  • Samenvatting:  Our Worthiness is Questionable.Given AkihabaraNews' ambient levels of editorial dorkiness, it's uncommon to find a piece of consumer tech we can't to its limits. We've got a hardcore camera geek in Senior Contributor Nayalan Moodley , an executive-level P...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2016-09-20, Auteur: View , beoordeeld door:

  • Tough Design, Brilliant Build Quality, Solar Powered, Very Comfortable, GPS feature and built in time zones make it incredibly easy when traveling
  • Price (Despite being one of the cheapest GPS Watches), "Casio G-SHOCK GPS Hybrid Wave Ceptor GPW-1000 Review", 3 out of 5 based on 30 ratings,
  • The Casio G-SHOCK GPS Hybrid Wave Ceptor GPW-1000 is a brilliant watch. Granted, it is costly, especially for a G-SHOCK. However, it is one of the cheapest GPS watches available and costs only a fraction of what most other watches with GPS will cost you...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2015-10-06, Auteur: Ashwin , beoordeeld door:

  • Elegant design, rugged build, GPS and radio signal credentials,
  •  Pricey, doesn't have the same productivity tools or fitness tracking abilities of smartwatches​

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  Gepubliceerd: 2014-10-19, Auteur: Trevor , beoordeeld door:

  • Samenvatting:  Regular globetrotters may find it a hassle to adjust their watches each time they cross time zones. Casio's G-Shock GPW-1000 will save you that chore and, perhaps, also that If-it's-Tuesday-this-must-be-Belgium sense of dislocation. The GPW-1000 has the...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2016-01-26, beoordeeld door:

  • Samenvatting:  Conhecida como uma das mais respeitadas marcas de relógios do mundo, a Casio vem se destacando por seus modelos que mesclam design clássico com recursos inovadores. O TecMundo já testou dois produtos da empresa – o G'MIX GBA-400 e o Edifice Time Traveller...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2014-11-26, Auteur: Berkin , beoordeeld door:

  • Samenvatting:  Akıllı saatler günümüzün en popüler konularından bir tanesi. Her türlü fiziksel aktivitemizi ölçebilen, bize telefonumuzdaki bildirimleri hemen ulaşabileceğimiz biçimde kolumuzdan sunan, yer yer kalp atışımızı ölçüp bize spor yaparken destek olan akıllı s...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2014-10-16, Auteur: 吉姆林 , beoordeeld door:

  • Samenvatting:  由卡西歐引領的電波錶風潮早已行之有年,這幾季推出的戶外運動錶大多也都支援太陽能運行以及電波時計的功能,但卡西歐可沒有因此而自滿,在製錶領域中不斷求新求突破,就在上個月卡西歐發表了全新的GPS衛星無線電波接收+陸地無線六局電波接收的G-SHOCK GPW-1000;透過衛星訊號的電波訊號讓你不論身在何處,皆能夠精準的掌握時間,總共涵蓋全球40個時區且可以在錶盤上同時顯示兩地時間,重點是不必擔心電力耗盡,因為內建的太陽能供電系統會隨時供應手錶所需的能源。此外,G-SHOCK GPW-1000錶身多處更選用特殊...

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