Testseek.nl hebben 9 deskundige overzichten van Sony Ericsson MBW-150 verzameld en de gemiddelde classificatie is 78%. Scrol en zie neer alle overzichten voor Sony Ericsson MBW-150.
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Gepubliceerd: 2007-11-16, Auteur: Frank , beoordeeld door: CNET.co.uk
Can control your phones music player; shows incoming call and message alerts
Sometimes frustrating to use; track display doesnt work with all phones
The MBW-150 Music Edition isnt the easiest thing to use, but we like its music playback controls and it looks reasonably stylish. If youre in the market for a new watch and own a Sony Ericsson phone, its worth checking out ...
Vibration alert, caller ID information on-screen, music controls
Limited functionality, price The Final Word The MBW-150 makes minimal improvements over its predecessor in terms of functionality, so it remains an expensive device considering the features offered.
The MBW-150 makes minimal improvements over its predecessor in terms of functionality, so it remains an expensive device considering the features offered.
Samenvatting: Remember all the spy movies and sci-fi shows where technology preceded its time? All the cool inventions like laser pens and phone watches? Although we might still not be as advanced, were getting really close. Wireless technology and GPS have mad...
Insgesamt gefällt mir die Sony Ericsson MBW-150 sehr gut. Gerade die von mir getestete "Classic Edition" mit weißem Ziffernblatt kann optisch gefallen. Da sie bis 3 Atmosphären wasserdicht ist, ist reine Theorie. Zum Schwimmen oder im Outdooreinsatz w...
Inhabituelle. Luxueuse. Design. Coûteuse. Séduisante. Bluetooth. Autant de qualificatifs qui conviennent à cette montre, fruit dun travail conjoint entre Sony Ericsson, fabricant de téléphones portables, et Fossil, fabricant de montres.La MBW-150 donn...
Samenvatting: Sony Ericsson följer upp sin udda blåtandsklocka med tre modeller som ska tilltala olika målgrupper. Förvirringen kommer direkt smygande eftersom de inte riktigt vill erkänna att det är samma modell, men behöver vi ogilla dem för det? ...
Samenvatting: Da vi testet den første blåtannklokka til Sony Ericsson i fjor likte vi den godt: Den så bra ut, og selv om ikke finessene var all verden så virket de i hvert fall. Vi var derfor spente på årets nye modeller.Jepp, modeller. For i år kommer det neml...