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Reviews of Apple iPhone Lightning Dock hebben 13 deskundige overzichten van Apple iPhone Lightning Dock verzameld en de gemiddelde classificatie is 52%. Scrol en zie neer alle overzichten voor Apple iPhone Lightning Dock.
13 Reviews
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  Gepubliceerd: 2016-09-13, Auteur: Greg , beoordeeld door:

  • Samenvatting:  So here's the thing about this iPhone 7 launch , and any other launch by Apple of this magnitude. I always end up making a host of impulse buys that probably won't be necessary two months down the line. This trend continues with the new Black Lightning Do...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2015-10-03, Auteur: The , beoordeeld door:

  • Samenvatting:  When it comes to accessories, Apple is known for slacking around. Unsurprisingly, the new accessories made for the new iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus mirror last year's lineup of minimalist leather and silicone cases. But this time Apple has gone a step fur...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2015-06-05, beoordeeld door:

  • Samenvatting:  The new Apple iPhone Lightning Dock promises to be compatible with everything from the iPhone 5 to the iPhone 6 Plus.It accomplishes that minor miracle by eschewing the old, grooved design of the past for new, flat one that presents only a surface and a L...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2015-05-22, Auteur: Phil , beoordeeld door:

  • Apple's new iPhone Lightning Dock ($39) is the company's first since 2013's iPhone 5s Dock and iPhone 5c Dock. As one would expect, this new dock is compatible with the company's newest iPhones, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. While the previous two docks pla...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2015-05-21, Auteur: Nir , beoordeeld door:

  • Samenvatting:  Apple is unforgivably late to the accessory game with its new iPhone Lightning Dock it only just recently released...yet again. There are plenty of really great options available from third parties, however, none are quite as minimalist as Apple official...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2015-05-20, Auteur: Eric , beoordeeld door:

  • Samenvatting:  Apple's history of iPhone docks is rather hit-or-miss, with the company's recent designs generally tailored tightly to the profiles of the iPhones they were designed for, preventing the use of cases on the iPhones and making the docks incompatible with la...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2018-10-26, beoordeeld door:

  • N'entrons pas dans le débat sans fin de ce qui est utile ou non. Je vivais très bien avant d'avoir cet accessoire mais je mentirais si je vous disais ne pas être content de l'avoir. Il permet de charger son iPhone avec classe et d'avoir un endroit bien à...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2015-05-22, Auteur: Mickaël , beoordeeld door:

  • Design compact et fin, Sortie audio amplifiée, Accepte les étuis
  • Stabilité mal assurée, Doute sur la solidité du connecteur, Pingrerie d'Apple, Trop cher
  • Ce nouveau dock n’a malheureusement pas grand chose pour lui, si on excepte deux atouts : une sortie audio amplifiée qui donne de bons résultats, et sa grande compatibilité avec un grand volant d’appareils mobiles d’Apple...

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  Gepubliceerd: 2016-12-01, Auteur: Mattias , beoordeeld door:

  • Vattentåligheten, Processorn, Kameran, Force feedback
  • Bristen på 3,5 mm-uttag, Ingen ny design

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  Gepubliceerd: 2015-06-09, Auteur: Fabio , beoordeeld door:

  • Samenvatting:  Oggi vi presentiamo un prodotto Apple di cui non si è parlato molto: si tratta del Lightning Dock per iPhone. È un accessorio utile per la lettura di un e-book, la visione di un film oppure semplicemente per ascoltare la musica. La confezione di vendita...

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