Testseek.nl hebben 17 deskundige overzichten van Advance Wars: Dark Conflict verzameld en de gemiddelde classificatie is 80%. Scrol en zie neer alle overzichten voor Advance Wars: Dark Conflict.
February 2008
17 Reviews
Gemiddelde score van experts die dit product hebben beoordeeld.
Samenvatting: Everything in moderation is a philosophy first touted by the playwrights and thinkers of ancient Greece. Obviously theyd never played an Advance Wars game or theyd have realised you can never have too much of some things.Amazingly enough, Advance War...
Gepubliceerd: 2008-01-29, Auteur: Stuart , beoordeeld door: trustedreviews.com
Not everyone will like the new direction, but beneath the change of style Dark Conflict is a superb iteration of Advance Wars, and the new online features will keep it locked in your DS for months....
Samenvatting: This military strategy game is quite a departure from the last time it appeared on the Nintendo DS. Gone are the bright, cheery characters and colourful units of Dual Strike and instead, we have a post-apocalyptic wasteland where browns and greys are t...
Samenvatting: Nintendo are often the target of criticism; it’s not uncommon to hear dissenters complain about how they are rehashing the franchises over and over again. However, Advance Wars: Dark Conflict is proof that this is not always a bad thing. As they say, i...
von Steffen Salomon Eines sei vorweg gesagt: Fans der Rundenstrategie und Liebhaber der Serie dürfen allein schon wegen des gelungenen Online-Modus in Advance Wars: Dark Conflict investieren. Da mögen manche maulen, dass der neue Grafikstil nicht ihr...
Samenvatting: Die Welt ist am Ende. Meteoritenhagel haben riesige Krater in den Planeten geschlagen, Feuerbrünste zerstören die Städte, Erdbeben erschüttern das Land und das Meer entsendet tobende Tsunamis. Staubwolken verdunkeln die Sonne und es ist still geworden...