Testseek.nl hebben 16 deskundige overzichten van Overlord Minions verzameld en de gemiddelde classificatie is 57%. Scrol en zie neer alle overzichten voor Overlord Minions.
16 Reviews
Gemiddelde score van experts die dit product hebben beoordeeld.
Samenvatting: Overlord: Minions marks the first time this deviant fantasy series has ventured into handheld territory. It initially appears to be a fun accompaniment to its console big brothers, boasting malevolent minions and conveniently downsized exploration well...
Samenvatting: Overlord Minions for the DS has all the right ingredients that make up an instant puzzle/strategy game classic but its problems hold it back considerably. Had the touch-screen controls actually worked better, this would have been a real Must Have DS ga...
Samenvatting: Codemasters definitely pushed the boat out with its Overlord franchise this summer. Following the surprising success of the original game, this year saw three games in the series release simultaneously: Overlord II on the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC, Overlor...
Samenvatting: Ever have an unfulfilled passion to boss ugly creatures around? Overlord Minions lets you fulfill it by letting you, er, overlord over four tiny minions. Each minion possesses a unique ability: the brown one moves or picks up objects, the blue one walk...
Samenvatting: I definitely like the direction Codemasters went with its Overlord franchise on the Nintendo DS. Instead of pairing down the console game into a portable rendition that just couldnt compete, the developers instead expanded the series in a spinoff that...