Testseek.nl hebben 22 deskundige overzichten van Celeste verzameld en de gemiddelde classificatie is 93%. Scrol en zie neer alle overzichten voor Celeste.
January 2018
22 Reviews
Gemiddelde score van experts die dit product hebben beoordeeld.
Samenvatting: Dit artikel is geüpdatet op 7 februari 2018.In de eerste maanden dat de Nintendo Switch op de markt is, vloog de revolutionaire console/handheld-hybride van Nintendo in grote getalen over de toonbank. Inmiddels zijn we weer wat verder in de levenscyclus v...
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Gepubliceerd: 2018-06-12, Auteur: Ian , beoordeeld door: darkzero.co.uk
Samenvatting: I was a massive fan of Matt Thornson's ( Celeste 's director and game designer) previous title, TowerFall, and its expansions. I played that gem for hundreds of hours across every available platform, including on the OUYA where it was originally released...
Samenvatting: First off, the the Switch OLED is available-- giving you the choice between two Nintendo Switch units and the Nintendo Switch Lite if you're so inclined...
Samenvatting: Nintendo's Switch is on a roll. The youngest of the games consoles is punching above its weight with a mix of core Nintendo games that have pushed iconic characters like Mario and Link into the modern gaming age. The Switch is also a portable console, whi...
Samenvatting: Nintendo's Switch is on a roll. Now into its second year, the youngest of the games consoles is punching above its weight with a mix of core Nintendo games that have pushed iconic characters like Mario and Link into the modern gaming age. The Switch is al...
Gepubliceerd: 2018-12-26, Auteur: Mike , beoordeeld door: venturebeat.com
Samenvatting: Man, 2018 was another great year for video games. And while a lot of the blockbuster games I was looking forward to delivered, I fell in love with a bunch of unexpected indies this year.I even have a game in my top 10 that made me a believer in VR! That's...
Gepubliceerd: 2018-01-27, Auteur: Mike , beoordeeld door: bgr.com
Samenvatting: Celeste is a game about climbing a mountain. Celeste is also a game about learning how to live with yourself. Celeste is also a game about rapidly dashing from one platform to the next before a one-eyed squid eats you for dinner.There are two reasons that...