Testseek.nl hebben 43 deskundige overzichten van Darkspore verzameld en de gemiddelde classificatie is 63%. Scrol en zie neer alle overzichten voor Darkspore.
43 Reviews
Gemiddelde score van experts die dit product hebben beoordeeld.
lineaire levels, geen afwisseling in gameplay, verzamelen is bijna het enige doel
Darkspore is echt een co-op game. Als je in je eentje speelt worden de latere levels wel erg moeilijk. Ook in co-op blijft de gameplay echter beperkt: het is voornamelijk klikken tot je erbij neervalt. Darkspore speel je om alle heroes vrij te spelen e...
All that said, I found Darkspore intriguing and pleasurable. The wealth of customisation options and the core battle system kept me playing long enough to almost forgive the thin storyline and this may well be enough for others, the alternative for me bei...
Darkspore proves no rival to Diablo, Dungeon Siege or Torchlight, but it’s still a canny enough application of the action-RPG formula to be addictive to those of a suitably loot-hungry disposition, and highly polished with it. Just don’t believe everyt...
The pedigree of the development studio suggests great things, but despite some entertaining customisation options, Darkspore feels peculiarly half-baked. ...
While many baulked at the idea of the Spore licence being used for something darker and more violent in tone, Maxis Software’s eventual take on the Diablo style point-and-click action-RPG is depressingly bereft of controversy in execution. ...
Samenvatting: Most of us know Maxis from a longstanding history of memorable games in the simulation genre, including franchise favorites like SimCity and The Sims. Most gamers are probably also familiar with Spore, Maxis’ evolution simulator from 2008 that allowed ...
Gepubliceerd: 2011-05-11, Auteur: Matt , beoordeeld door: techworld.com
Darkspore probably won't replace your favorite dungeon crawler anytime soon. The satisfying controls and mountains of loot really only serve as a baseline in terms of this genre's gameplay. It would've been great if Maxis could have added some variety...
Samenvatting: Hack n' slash your way through Maxis' outer space dungeon crawler that offers Spore's stellar character customization, but none of the humor or innovation.There are no cute creatures falling in love. There’s no dancing and singing to win over friends. ...