Testseek.nl hebben 57 deskundige overzichten van Wipeout: Omega Collection verzameld en de gemiddelde classificatie is 85%. Scrol en zie neer alle overzichten voor Wipeout: Omega Collection.
June 2017
57 Reviews
Gemiddelde score van experts die dit product hebben beoordeeld.
Spectaculaire races, zinderende snelheid, zeer diverse circuits
Content is vaker herkauwd dan een koeienmaaltijd
WipEout Omega Collection zit barstensvol vette content – maar wel content die we inmiddels wel een beetje kennen. Sommige circuits maken voor de vierde keer hun opwachting in een WipEout-game. WipEout Omega is daardoor een klap in het gezicht van juist de...
Was deze beoordeling nuttig?
Gepubliceerd: 2017-06-09, Auteur: Theo , beoordeeld door: xgn.nl
Bundelt drie enorm toffe games, Razendsnel, Ziet er erg goed uit
Samenvatting: Wipeout first emerged onto the original PlayStation in 1995 to show what the machine was capable of, a bold vision of the future. Two decades later, despite the fact we're actually living in the future now, and that in video game terms, 22 years makes a v...
Samenvatting: Wipeout first emerged onto the original PlayStation in 1995 to show what the machine was capable of, a bold vision of the future. Two decades later, despite the fact we're actually living in the future now, and that in video game terms, 22 years makes a v...
Gepubliceerd: 2017-06-05, Auteur: Adam , beoordeeld door: stuff.tv
Insane sense of speed, Incredible soundtrack, Loads of tracks and modes
Difficulty can frustrate, Not a whole lot new about it
WipEout Omega Collection proves that there's life in the old dog yet. Despite not having any new content worth shouting about, this is a huge collection of enjoyable racing moments at an excellent price. The multiplayer and split-screen will keep you com...
Gepubliceerd: 2017-06-05, Auteur: Martin , beoordeeld door: eurogamer.net
Samenvatting: 22 years on from the PlayStation original and over five years since the last instalment, WipEout still feels like a taste of the future. Carbon-scorched ships skimming across impeccable brushed concrete tracks that loop beneath futurist skyscrapers, 100-f...
Samenvatting: Wipeout Omega Collection is like putting on that pair of your favourite, well-worn and comfortable shoes. It's the feeling of pure bliss rippling from your feet and up your spine, tickling the warm places of your mind as you reminisce about all the advent...
Gepubliceerd: 2017-06-05, Auteur: David , beoordeeld door: gamesradar.com
As good a technical showing for PS4 as you're likely to find, Super responsive handling system has rarely been bettered, A brilliant showcase for HDR gaming
Play on Elite difficulty, and time trials and speed laps are savage, 2048's career isn't as pure or addictive as Wipeout HD
With breakneck racing thrills and impeccable presentation, this ranks up there with The Last Of Us Remastered as the best redux on PS4...